Campaigns and Projects

Little Free Library Truth and Reconciliation Book Project
Coordinating a Greater Victoria Placemaking Network project that is seeks to deliver books about Truth & Reconciliation by local and Indigenous authors to little free libraries around the Greater Victoria Area, as a small way to help with reconciliation.
The first phase of this project successfully delivered 902 copies of the Truth & Reconciliation Calls to Action to little free libraries around the region.

Pocket Places Project
A project of the Greater Victoria Placemaking Network (GVPN) funded by a My Great Neighbourhoods Grant from the City of Victoria. This project aims to support little free libraries across Victoria (LFL).
To date the project has mapped out 781 LFLs across the region, dropped off over 85,000 books to LFLs, helped install dozens of LFLs. I am the creator and lead of this project.

Saanich Road Murals
Road murals are placemaking elements that serve as an effective tool for increasing road safety while simultaneously encouraging creativity, the arts, and building community. This project, through the Greater Victoria Placemaking Network, seeks to introduce road murals to Saanich, and measure the effectiveness for reducing speeds and increasing road safety.

AccessBC - Campaign for Free Prescription Contraception
Co-founder and Chair of the AccessBC Campaign for free prescription contraception in British Columbia, a group dedicated to making all prescription contraception in BC universally available at no cost. In February 2023 we succeeded in convincing the BC government to make all prescription contraception free!

NGOs Securing Fisheries Environments: Understanding NGO-State Fisheries Protection Programs (N-SAFE)
This academic research project examines the newly emerging role played by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) as they partner with governments around the world in the global fight against illegal fishing. This is an important development, because if it works, such partnerships can transform the way we think about protecting our planet’s increasingly fragile oceanic ecosystem from illegal and unregulated overfishing. This is a multi-year collaboration between an international team of researchers, is funded by the Research Council of Norway and housed at the Fridtjof Nansen Institute in Norway.

Ban Gas-Powered Leaf Blowers in Saanich
Leaf blowers contribute to noise pollution, produce excessive and dangerous exhaust emissions, and re-suspend dust, all contributing to negative health and environmental impacts. It’s time for Saanich Council to ban gas-powered leaf blowers, learn more on the petition page.
You can learn more about the 'Street Sense' air and noise pollution monitoring research project I'm working on here.

Edited Volume on Secularism and Non-Religion in Canada
This edited volume contributes to the literature on secularism, non-religion, and atheism in contemporary Canada. Non-belief and non-believers are often given secondary consideration in broader explorations of religion and religiosity, and, as a result, remain under-examined, particularly in the Canadian context. This multidisciplinary book provides a broad exploration of issues relating to secularity, irreligion, non-religion, non-belief, atheism, and separation of religion and government in Canada.

Fair Property Tax Exemptions
Municipalities across BC grant tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars of property tax exemptions to religious organizations without accountability. Cities should apply a public benefits tests to make sure they get a fair return. I am conducting policy research supporting this campaign.

Legislative Prayer in BC and Canada
The Supreme Court of Canada has said that our government has a "duty of religious neutrality." Yet every day the BC Legislature begins with an MLA delivering what is often a religious and sectarian prayer. These prayers do not reflect the increasingly diverse and secular nature of our province. This project aims to end this practice in the BC Legislature.

Vancouver Island High School Speech and Debate
Speech and debate has had a huge impact on my life, and unfortunately, the number of school teams on Vancouver Island has plummeted in recent years. I worked to revive school programs on the Island. This included volunteering as the coach of the Alberni District Secondary School, and running English and French speech, debate, and model UN workshops of varying lengths in middle and high school across the island.
The Sea Ranger Service
The Sea Ranger Service is the world’s first maritime ranger service. As a social enterprise it builds specially-designed sailing work ships and trains unemployed youths to become Sea Rangers. After extensive maritime training, coordinated by navy veterans, Sea Rangers are deployed to assist nations in managing Marine Protect Areas, marine research and to conserve historic ship wrecks. I supported the Sea Ranger Service as their researcher since its foundation in 2016 until 2023.

Rethink Urban
Worked as part of a team of consultants with a Vancouver Island-based consultancy dedicated to improving safety, wellbeing and quality of life in communities. Rethink Urban has a collaborative and interactive approach to connecting people to produce meaningful engagement. Looking at urban places and spaces, Rethink Urban brings the dual perspectives of crime prevention and creative placemaking, and seeks to evolve our cities through the interaction of people, landscape, built form and broad environmental characteristics.

End the $2 Surcharge for Bicycles on BC Ferries
I was disappointed to learn that BC Ferries charged people an additional $2 to bring their bike on the ferry, despite a lack of adequate bike infrastructure and a need for us to be encouraging cycling. In 2017 I began pushing for this surcharge to be dropped and in the summer of 2020 BC Ferries finally dropped the surcharge. There's still much progress to be made with respect to improving cycling infrastructure leading to terminals and accommodating cyclist on vessels, but this made for a good start.

BC Provincial High School Mock Trial Competition
An annual court case simulation which gives high school students from across BC the opportunity to try a criminal case in a real court room in front of a judge. The event has been run in cooperation with the Victoria Bar Association and the Justice Education Society. I was the lead organizer of this event from 2014 to 2019.

Victoria Needs a Hillside Library - Campaign
Residents of the Hillside-Quadra, Oaklands, and North Park neighbourhoods in Victoria, BC have been without a community library branch for far too long. They deserve access to the valuable resources that a local library provides including books and other materials, meeting rooms, classes, storytime for kids, and a serving as a community hub. I served as a member of the organizing committee for this campaign.

The Black Fish (now Fish Act)
The Black Fish is an international community united in its aim to end illegal and destructive fishing practices and safeguard a future for the plentiful species in our oceans. Its approach brings together people and the benefits of modern technology to protect the oceans through civil fisheries monitoring. I served as the lead researcher of this organization from 2013 to 2018.

Fin Fighters UK
A marine conservation organization dedicated to mobilizing and empowering local communities, citizen scientists, and campaign groups to end the destruction of habitat and species in the world’s oceans; through science, education, conservation and action! One of the major goals of Fin Fighters is to make the UK fin free by 2023. I helped found and develop the strategy of this organization.

Sea Shepherd Conservation Society - Ocean Warrior
The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society is a marine conservation organization that uses innovative direct-action tactics to investigate, document, and take action to expose and confront illegal activities on the high seas.
In 2015 the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society was awarded €8.3 million by the Dutch Post Code Lottery, for the purchase of a custom-build, high-speed,long-range, Antarctic patrol vessel. I was the lead author of this grant.