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Podcasts and Webinars


The Aborsh Podcast, Jan. 14, 2025

The Aborsh - El Birth Control

In this episode, we're diving into a topic we touched on last season, one that’s often at the beginning of many abortion stories: birth control. What we love about it. What we wish was better about it. Why it should be part of publicly funded health care, and how it can even help reframe conversations about abortion. 



The Breakdown AB Podcast,

June 19, 2024

Episode 6.37 - The BC Humanist Association and Government Neutrality

In case Alberta politics isn't a hot enough topic, we're spending this episode on the intersection of religion and the machinery of public governance! In 2015 the Supreme Court of Canada decided in the Saturday Decision that prayer at municipal governments violates the states duty to neutrality, but is that decision being followed? To take this on, we sit down with Ian Bushfiled, the executive director of the BC Humanist Association and one of their main researchers Dr. Teale Phelps Bondaroff to talk about their efforts to document the overlap of religion and particularly prayer in government and their campaigns to ensure that the machinery of government remains neutral when it comes to matters of faith.



Radio Canada, June 10, 2024

Avortement : un pays pas comme les autres

L'avortement au Canada est une réalité complexe et souvent méconnue. De la Gaspésie au Nunavik, en passant par les provinces de l'Atlantique et les grandes villes, ce balado met en lumière les disparités régionales et les obstacles rencontrés par les canadiennes désirant avoir recours à ce soin de santé. La journaliste Pasquale Harrison-Julien aborde dans cette série des sujets délicats tels que les avortements après le premier trimestre, les pressions culturelles et familiales, et les implications politiques et sociales des lois sur l'avortement. 



Centre for Inquiry Canada Podcast,

October 25, 2023

Dr. Teale Phelps Bondaroff: Do cities listen to the Supreme Court?

Is secularism church-state separation or government neutrality in matters of religion? What does state religious neutrality look like? When the Supreme Court of Canada issues a ruling, is that the final word? What is the difference between a welcome, a traditional greeting, a cultural practice, and a prayer, especially in the context of indigenous nations and reconciliation?



The Lifestances Podcast, Sept. 7, 2023

Passing Laws and Praising God(s): Is There a Place for Prayer in Public Meetings?

How would you feel if – when attending a local council meeting for the first time – the meeting opened with a Christian prayer? This is the question we explore in this episode. We learn about the practice of prayers before government meetings: how widespread are these prayers and what do they consist of? We also discuss what exactly the problem is with these prayers in a diverse society, and what – if anything – should replace them.



Sickboy Podcast, April 12, 2023

F*ck The Patriarchy - Free Access To Prescription Contraception in BC

This week the fellas are joined by Sara (an NP) and Teale (PHD in International Studies) from AccessBC. They discuss the high cost of prescription contraception in British Columbia and how it impacts access for those who need it the most. They highlight the significant cost of different methods, including the intrauterine device, oral contraceptive pills, and hormone injections.


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BCHA, March 16, 2023

Open for Unconstitutional Business: Prayers at municipal council meetings in Ontario

Olivia and Teale of the BC Humanist Association in collaboration with Abortion Rights Coalition Canada start off a new series exploring the deception and harmful practices of CPCs in Canada. Read the full report here.



BCHA, December 15. 2022

Open for Unconstitutional Business: Prayers at municipal council meetings in Ontario

The BCHA team discusses its newly released report: Open for Unconstitutional Business.



Tea with Laura and Rachele,

October 4, 2022

The Abortion Episode (Part Four): Free Birth Control For All

In this episode we have very special guest Dr. Teale Phelps Bondaroff joining us to discuss the importance and benefits of provinces providing free birth control to all Canadians. His experience in policy writing at all government levels has lead the charge on AccessBC holding the NDP government accountable to fulfilling their promise of providing free contraction to all BC residents. In this episode listeners will be inspired to take action to have universal coverage across Canada. 


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Channel News Asia, July 31, 2022

Undercover Asia: Pirates of the Seabed

Sea cucumbers, a prized delicacy in Chinese cuisine, fetch exorbitant prices in East Asia. These creatures play a crucial role in marine ecology - they vacuum the ocean floor; help coral reefs to grow and slow down the acidification of oceans. But now a soaring demand for these creatures is luring criminal gangs and fueling a booming multimillion dollar illegal trade. As millions of sea cucumbers get decimated, authorities and conservationists escalate their war on the poachers. Undercover Asia dives into the illegal sea cucumber trade and uncovers a global hotspot in the waters between India and Sri Lanka.


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The Switch, November 15, 2021

Placemaking and Little Free Libraries

Placemaking and little free libraries go hand in hand to help residents make a switch in their community. Dr. Teale Phelps Bondaroff of the Greater Victoria Placemaking Network joins The Switch to explain how the idea of placing making and community library boxes (which don’t replace libraries) can help communities become climate resilient and benefit everyone.




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